It’s taken me a few visits, but over the past few weeks of Pleinair being in the yard, I’ve been getting mucky underneath and designing and installing a new solar arch, which is why it’s up and under!.
As can be seen in the photo, it’s completely supported on the pushpit rails, thus allowing me to remove it rapidly by removing the clamps, should I ever need to.
My plan is to house three 80-watt panels up there giving me a total of 240 watts, it’s possible that this may end up being just short of my needs but we’ll see, If need be I can always add another MPPT controller, and up the panel size.
As for the underneath, well it’s scraping it back to the initial gel shield (at least I think that’s what it is), sorting a couple of small issues underneath, and applying a completely new epoxy layer before re-antifouling the whole underside. I’ve also completely removed the rudder as this also requires some attention.
Not much other news really at this point. So here are a couple of pictures of the progress.