My first impressions of “Pleinair” were positive. She’s a bit tired and needs some TLC but she doesn’t look too bad at all
I like the layout too and what she perhaps lacks in character compared to “Erbas” she makes up for in comfort
The rig had me scratching my head as there were a number of things I couldn’t understand. We left that for later and repaired to the nearby Wetherspoons for a couple of pints and dinner.
Getting back while it was still daylight, we had another look at things on deck and the magic of beer had done it’s thing to my brain cells and many things fell into place.
In particular, having referred to the scanty paperwork for the mainsail furling setup, I realised that the reason it had puzzled me is that it isn’t rigged properly. The clew outhaul is all wrong and the line is too thick to be reeved correctly.
We’ll sort that tomorrow (I’ve worked out a fudge if we can’t sort it properly) and the only remaining mystery is how to attach the mainsail tack. The paperwork is singularly uninformative on that subject but Tony thinks there’s details online
Hopefully the rain will stop and the relaunch will go as planned first thing in the morning. There’s much to do before we’re fully ready for sea but it’s looking good so far!